To Be Horribly Unclear

I'm here to rant and rave about every day life as well as asking some questions and getting some answers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I know it's been a while and seeing as I have a bit of free time on my hands at the moment, I thought I'd come on here and see what's up.

I no longer work at Carnival Cruise Lines. I was extremely happy there and very proud of myself since I'd been there longer than any other job I've had in the past. I was 2 weeks or so shy of a year when I was informed the company was letting me go. It seems that the cruising industry is not doing so well what with the economy going bad and no one can afford to go cruising now a days.

It just so happens that I was let go at a very bad time as the owner of the townhome I was living in decided he is selling the place and we had until the end of our lease to find a new home. We did, and we love it. It's much more "roomy" and not a bad price considering how most townhomes in as good condition as ours is in are much higher.

So I'm going on my job hunt. It feels weird to start all over again since I was at CCL for almost a year and after all the trainings and new changes that went on within the company but hey, no reason to look behind and worry, just have to look forward and do what I have to do.

Oh, did I mention my wife is once again pregnant? HA!! When it rains, it pours. Not that we don't want it or welcome it, it's just it came at a bad time, such as it is. I am, however, happy as a pig in sh*t. lol! One thing I love being most is a father, next to a loving husband, and I know that I can do things better this time around as I had to do a lot of growing up to do with my daughter. Plus, my wife has this wonderful and beautiful glow about her when she was pregnant and I'm looking forward to that....amongst other things. lol, the wifey knows what I'm talking about.

And on a last note, for anyone that has any contact with my mother or anyone that could relay the message to my mother, please don't!! Only a select few know and she is currently visiting my brother in Tennessee until next month and I don't want to worry her during her much deserved vacation.

Until next time.


Blogger Sweet and Salty said...

Holy cow!!! I'm telling, I'm telling!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008  
Blogger Orlando said...

lol, HEY!! I have some of your secrets I could use too you know.

Friday, June 13, 2008  

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