DOAP Mockumentary
A T.V. Channel over in the UK has produced a fake documentary called Death of a President about the fictional assassination of our President, George W. Bush. The film will be using cutting edge effects that is "shockingly real" to show Dubya being shot by a Syrian sniper in 2007. Obviously, we here in the States will not get to see this but it will also play at the Toronto Internation Film Festival.
I don't have any political views or ideals but even for those who are anti-bush this seems to be a bit over the top. I'm all for free speech and all that jazz but this can give out a sensationalistic, bandwagon "hate Bush", mob mentality that isn't needed. What do you think?
Um, lots to say to this. Well, I'm not a "W" fan, at all. I have been disappointed by most of his presidency and the way he has chosen to handle things. However, I don't think creating a "snuff film" is the way to go. I can understand the hatred that he has bred in other countries, just because he has bred that here, too. But I don't think allowing, and even publicizing, something as monumental as that could do anything but harm.
There, I think I said all of that without getting too political.
I completely agree with pinky (as This is a little over the top.
I'm not one to get into politics. Don't have heavy discussions about it and all that kind of stuff. The most I ever got into it was when a close friend of mine left to the United States Army reserves and I was trying to understand his reasons for going...especially with everything going on in the middle east as well as Israel vs. Libya and I remember telling him why go to a war that everyone believes to be over oil and not the reasons we're being told? Again, I don't know much about politics and I may be talking out of my a$$ here.
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