I got inspired by someone named Pinky who I met through my brother Pavel to reopen an eBay sellers account so I can possibly open a side business of selling vintage and collectable toys. The inspiration also comes from a friend of mine who's been doing this for a few years now and I must say he makes enough money to not have to work and then some. I'll give you an example. He found someone on eBay that found an old box of his old G.I. Joe toys and put it up for auction. Now the pictures were a bit blurry but my friend was able to see a certain accessory piece that alone was worth about $1300 if not more and my friend was able to buy his entire box for about $200-$300. He sold the accessory piece for about $1300 so just off that one piece was able to make back what he spent and make a HUGE profit. For the rest of the set he was able to get a few hundred dollars. He also buy and build an entire collection of a particular series, like his old He-Man set, piece by piece and then sells it for more than what he got it for. He's not conning anyone in doing this he just sits at home all day and finds auctions set by people that don't really know much about toys or what they are worth. I think he got about $6000+ for that He-Man set.
Anywho, I have a few things on eBay right now of things around the house I don't use anymore just to get me started. He's a link to one of them. If you'd like to see the other things I have on auction just click on "View Seller's Other Auctions". I'll blog it up whenever I have new things up for auction. Thanks Pinky!
AWESOME!! I'm going to head that way. Any time people can make some money off stuff they have and don't want, or from a creative aspect, I think it's fantastic. Good luck to you and I'm going to go check it out!
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