To Be Horribly Unclear

I'm here to rant and rave about every day life as well as asking some questions and getting some answers.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tag!! You're It!!

Sorry I took so long to do this. Been working my butt off and by the time I got home all I want is SLEEP. So here goes:

1.) When I sit down to have dinner or lunch while at home I have to watch t.v. or I get moody.

2.) I own 2 ferrets named Brad and Angelina

3.) I'd rather work in retail and deal with mentally unstable customers than work in an office

4.) I was once offered a part in a documentary being filmed in Miami documenting on the life of a rock musician in Latin Miami but eventually the project was shut down

5.) Disturbed is my favorite band

6.) Everytime I look at my daughter I still get the same feeling I got when I looked at her the day she was born

7.) I want to move and have a place of my own already. Unfortunately, me and the missus have been living with her parents for about 6 years now.

8.) I would do almost anything to have a career as a musician.


Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

LMAO on the Brandegelnia pets!

Office work can be sooooooo boring!

I know exactly what you mean about your daughter....I am the same way about my lil' men.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006  
Blogger Carrie said...

I'm there with you on the office crap. I've done both and give me a nutty retail season and I'm in heaven.

Hear, hear on the parent love. Sometimes it just feels like my heart is going to burst! Great meme, thank you for sharing. :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to want to be a musician at one time. Unfortunately, I had to give up that dream up because I have no musical talent ;)


Wednesday, September 13, 2006  

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