Rocky Balboa statue

Ever since the early 80's after Rocky III came out Art Museum Officians and members of the city Art Commission have argued that the famous statue, erected at the foot of the those famous steps, was not art but simply a movie prop and deemed it not worthy enough to be in it's original position. So for many years the statue moved from being in front of a local stadium, then moved to the Wachovia Center to end up in it's final resting place, a local storage building. Of course it was moved back to it's original spot during the making of Rocky V but again went back to storage.
In light of the recent completion of the movie Rocky Balboa, the final installment of the Rocky series, many fans, local politicians and Sylvester Stallone himself have been rooting for the statue to be placed back to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Those on the museum board were against it.
Well, it seems that a compromise has been made and the statue will earn a spot somewhere near-by the museum. I guess it's better than nothing but personally, I think it should go on the foot of the 72-step staircase. From what I read a lot of people have specifically gone to Philly to see the famous statue only to find after sprinting those long statue. The Rocky statue is as much a part of Philadelphia as are cheese steaks, the liberty bell, and the Mummers Parade.
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