To Be Horribly Unclear

I'm here to rant and rave about every day life as well as asking some questions and getting some answers.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Orly's Rant: Episode I

You know, I've seen this cartoon on the internet about a squirrel ranting about certain things and people and events that he has an issue with and I got inspired to do the same so here goes...
I wish I could say there are certain people in Miami I just can't stand but I'd be lying to you. Everyday from the moment I leave my home to the moment I return home I would have contact with literally hundreds of stupid, annoying and unintelligent people. Like women in general here in Miami. If you have this same problem where you live then that's a scary thought that's it's not isolated to one place. Anytime I drive in this city it's like taking a bargain with my life...especially with these women that drive HUGE SUVs while talking on their cell phone. This is just an accident waiting to happen. You seem them swirving from left to right in their lines and it's a surprise there aren't more accidents. I mean really...most women...I said most, not all....but most women can't drive for $hit. Now let's throw a Land Rover or God forbid a Hummer with a cell phone in the mix. That's a recipe for disaster. Unless there is someone dying or dead there is no reason you need to be on a cell phone so hang it up, you self-important ass.
Speaking of cell phones, I'm so tired of going to the movie theater and having to listen to about 10-20 cell phones go off durout the entire movie. What makes it worse is when they actually answer and talk in a normal tone or higher. There are signs all over the place that say silence your cell phones or turn your cell phones off. You even see it while you're sitting down waiting for the movie to start. Stop being such a$$holes and turn them off or leave them home. Whatever it is, it can wait.
I've been in retail and customer service for about 6 years and I've worked pretty much all over Miami. Borders Bookstore, Cobb Theater, Blockbuster Video, Mars Music, Sam Ash Music. One thing remains a constant. It is impossible for a customer to return the item they picked up to look at to their original spot. Whether it's something they picked up, looked at it and then put it somewhere else or if they thought they wanted it at first but then changed their mind while they're at some other part of the store and just leave it somewhere random...and when you confront them about this you know what their excuse is? "It's your job to put it back." "If customer's actually put things back where they belong you'd be out of a job." You know what else I could do without? When I'm with a customer I will have a random customer pop in-between me and the customer I'm currently with and ask "Can you help me with something?" When I tell them sure but once I'm finished with the customer I'm helping out, they act surprised. I get that constantly. My favorite is when I'm in my department, which is petcare, I'll be standing at our blue mobile stand where we have all our fish supplies. I'll be testing the water levels, taking out the dead fish, treating certain tanks, wiping the algae off certain tanks and then I'll get a customer and he asks "Is there somebody that can help me out with a fish?" "No sir, I'm just feeding the fish because they looked hungry and no one seemed to look to it...but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night."
I would go on about how great it is to drive in Miami but I would be here all night...


Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

LMAO!!!! The cartoon was too funny! I am sooooo with you on the cell phone at the movies's like....Hello I am paying 10 bucks to watch a movie not listen to your conversation. You are right most women can't drive....they definitely don't need to be in a vehicle the size of a freakin' tank. I was in the car the other day with my closest guy friend and this chick cut me off, my response "Damn women drivers" he laughs and looks at I explain that I am sexist against

As far as the stupid people are concerned I am afraid it is a nationwide epidemic.

Monday, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Orlando said...

You liked that, huh? You would definitely like the 15 or 20 others. I'll be posting them periodically along with my own ranting. I have few other things to complain about. lol.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006  
Blogger mindtwister said...

I am also a former Blockbuster employee, so I definitely feel your pain on the whole rude customer thing.

I can't stand the customer who try to get help when you're with someone else. Self righteous people should know how to wait their turn.

I also can't stand the people who think they can haggle with you for the price of the movies. It is posted on the wall how much rentals are, and if they are buying, it is posted on the product, but even then, you still get someone who tries to get it

Just wanted you to know you aren't alone in this arena :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006  

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