To Be Horribly Unclear

I'm here to rant and rave about every day life as well as asking some questions and getting some answers.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First days of School!!

Hello all!! Sorry I haven't been on for a bit. First, for the past 2 weeks 2 employees left on vacation where I work so of course all their hours went to us. Secondly, I had something important to post on Monday but as always my in-laws were meddling with our network router and it started malfunctioning so there went the internet for a few days. But I'm back so here goes...

My beautiful 4 year old daughter started her first day of school on Monday. Woke up in the morning and put on Finding Nemo and woke her up. Got her dressed in her school uniform and gave her some breakfast. We tried not to mention that she was going to school all that much that morning as well as the day before sionce she made it a point to let us know that she did not want to go to school. Not sure if this was a great idea but I think regardless of whether we told her or not she would have reacted the same way. Sorry for the dark pic.

Once we got to her school we were off to find her classroom. Once we got there my wife and I felt better because we weren't the only parents whose child was crying because they knew Mommy and Daddy had to go soon. So we let her pick where she wanted to sit and we set her bookbag on her chair. We then walked towards the big carpet that looked like a Monopoly board where all the children were sitting and had her pick a spot and sit.

Finally the bell rang and it was time to go. Easier said than done. We started to slowly walk towards the door but once she noticed she got up and ran towards us crying. She attached herself to my wife's leg and wouldn't let go. Then the teacher walked in and we were able to get her to sit back down on the carpet. The teacher and her assistants were able to get her attention and we were able to walk out of the classroom and proceeded to wait outside for a few minutes just in case. We then heard her scream BLOODY MURDER!! "Mommy? Daddy?" Broke our hearts to hear that but we know it must be done. The last parent to walk out told us she was crying for a few minutes but then once they gave her a book to read and other kids started to talk to her she quickly forgot.

I felt weird all morning being home alone. I usually don't work until the late afternoon so I'm with her all day. I didn't want her to feel alone or abandoned but I would quickly snap out of it and assure myself that she was having fun making new friends and learning new things. Then the afternoon came and me the wife went to pick her up. We were excited...or maybe it was just that we missed her terribly. Not sure. When we got to her classroom she saw us but stayed sitting down. I don't think she wanted to go. She was having fun. Then the teacher said "Autumn, Mommy and Daddy are here. It's time to go." She got up and ran to us with her arms wide open.

Overall it was exciting. The weird thing is I've been waking up in the morning with a smile on my face and ready to take her to school but as anyone who knows me will tell you...I'm not a morning person. Early to me is 9 or 10 a.m. Anything before that is obscene to me. lol. What are your experiences with your child's first day?


Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

Awwww....she's such a cutie!!! Although she had a little bit of a rough start it sounds like she had a good day. My son's school had a camp the week before school started where they went to their class for an hour or so while we were having orientation in the lunch room. I think this helped out a lot, my son knew his teacher, where his classroom was and had made a few friends before the first day. It was still hard for me to watch my lil' guy go to school.....but he was fine.

I just put my youngest in daycare for the first time and he is not doing as well.....he cries everyday for 10 mins after I leave, but when I get to work I call and they say he's doing fine playing and having fun.

When your kids start getting independent it's difficult, especially when you make them your whole world.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006  
Blogger Orlando said...

Yeah, it was the 1st day that was the worst for her in terms of crying...LOUD! It was worst for me on the 2nd and 3rd day(today) because she just sits there and cries quietly while waving bye and saying I love you. Breaks my heart everytime I think about it. One of the other parents saw her and then looked at me and said "Awww". I tried to respond but couldn't from how choked up I was.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006  
Blogger Sweet and Salty said...

It's a trick, Orly! They know where it hurts. Don't fall for it, I tell ya!

j/k It's hard and I know it. I did it three times and I hated it each time. Now, though, I take them to their Sunday school class or some other actitivies and I'm like, "Bye guys" and they're like, "oh, yeah, bye!"

Wednesday, August 16, 2006  

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