To Be Horribly Unclear

I'm here to rant and rave about every day life as well as asking some questions and getting some answers.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

M.I.A. + PSP vs. iPod

Sorry for not posting lately. It's been a hectic week and a half at work with us already being a bit short handed and to make it worse our team leader left on vacation for a little over a week which put us behind quite a bit. Plus one of my bosses is being an ahole about my earrings. I have 2 in each ear but according to company policy men can only wear 1 earring in each because the animals could/can get attracted to the jewelry and rip them off causing injury. So...let me get this straight. I can't wear 2 in each ear but it's ok to wear 1 in each ear because........uhh.......birds and small animals are only attracted to it if you're wearing 2+ earrings in each ear?? OMG. The only good news I got this week was that my two faced store manager was leaving for good and we were getting a new manager from another Petsmart a little farther up north. Now we just need to get rid of the operations manager.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Well, for really busting my butt these past few weeks since I've been given priority on hours I bought myself a Sony PSP. I know that some of you may be avid iPod users and I know people that swear by this horribly expensive little thing but I'll take a Sony PSP over it any day of the week. You can play video games, whose graphics beat out any hand held system ever made and can be almost compared to the Playstation 2, both purchased in UMD format or download into your PSP. You can download music into it. You can download/upload pictures. You can go on the internet and you can sign on through a hotspot or if you have a wireless router. I mean there is so many things you can do with it and all for the low price of $199.99. Last I heard the iPods you can watch movies with and listen to music with was going for about $300 or so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

iPod's are nice but they are rather pricey. On the other hand, I couldn't get the PSP because of the hefty price tag on it.

I went with the Nintendo DS. It's an awesome little machine with wifi as well. It doesn't play movies or anything, but hey, that's what I have the iPod for ;)


Tuesday, September 19, 2006  
Blogger Carrie said...

Glad to know that some things are looking up at work. The earring thing? Uh, yeah, that seems stupid. Really stupid. What about the women? Do they have earring restrictions? Just wondering.

I have no idea about the iPod, PSP or any of those other fancy things. Sometimes, I am sooooo old fashioned.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006  
Blogger Orlando said...

Mindtwister: I don't really like the Nintendo DS too much. Too kiddie for me. I had the same problem with the gamecube. Only game I liked was Eternal Darkness. The only advantage the iPods have is that you can strap them on you when you go to the gym or go running but that's not for me. When I go to the gym I need all the concentration I can get.

Pinky: If I remember correctly, I think the girls can wear 2 max on each ear but then again, there are only two girls in my department and they're both managers but don't wear any earrings. The other girls are cashiers but don't handle the animals.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006  

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